Realization of tunable strong coupling from cavity enhanced light matter

Associate Professor Søren Raza
Interaction between light and matter has vast applications in many fields, like quantum communication, quantum information, and optoelectronic devices. When optical modes strongly couples to matter states (i.e., excitons), the result is a hybrid response which is part light and part matter. This is known as strong coupling and opens up the opportunity to manipulate light at ultrafast speeds by controlling the response of matter.

The goal is to strongly couple excitonic states hosted by a 2D material with optical cavity modes and actively tune the coupling from weak to strong using electrostatic gating.

We are looking for an enthusiastic student to carry out this project as a bachelor's or master's thesis (or internship). We aim to achieve electrically tunable excitonic strong light-matter coupling1 in the visible range using dielectric nanoresonators.

During the project, the student would be trained in dark-field spectroscopy, fabrication of heterostructures made of 2D materials, measurement of photoluminescence, and investigation of optical properties of two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides. The project will be supervised by prof. Søren Raza (DTU Physics, sraz@α and PhD student Avishek Sarbajna ( and carried out in close collaboration with prof. Peter Bøggild (DTU Physics) and prof. Nicolas Stenger (DTU Electro). For more information, please get in touch with prof. Raza (