Value proposition for emitters

  • We offer a one-step solution for CO2 capture and immediate reuse on-site.
  • Fits small, medium and large CO2 emitters.
Net income-generating
  • Marketable end product produced that offsets the cost of the CCS process.
  • Low energy consumption: no steam and/or compression requirements.
  • CO2 is stored directly as solids: no payment to carbon storage providers for transport and subsurface storage.
  • No use of high pressure or compression to super critical CO2.
  • Mineralisation occurs in real time.
Environmentally friendly
  • No waste or emissions created in the process (no rebound).

Circular economy - removing CO2 by turning building waste into a valuable end product that decreases the carbon footprint of concrete. No landfill of waste materials.

Waste incineration plant, ARGO Denmark. Photo: Tim Van de Velde