
The Risø TL/OSL software is continuously being developed and improved.
The revision history may be found in this document: Revision History

You may install the complete, most recent (June 2021) distribution of the Risø TL/OSL Software by opening this compressed folder:

Download most recent TL/OSL Software disc

N.B. Remember to unzip the download before running the installer program.
(be patient - it may take a long time to download the complete distribution disc)
Then run setup.exe in the USBstick image directory. If the TL/OSL software package was previously installed on your computer, you will be asked to uninstall the software package before the new one can be installed.

Here are some more specialized downloads:

Mini-sys N.B. Do not use this to update the old PC Mini-sys.
CorrSGbin  (v1.5 of June 2018)
EMCCD example data
MATLAB Runtime 8.3 32-bit
MATLAB Runtime 8.3 64-bit
MATLAB Runtime 9.7 64-bit


Extract the files from the zip-file to the folder you want to run the program from.
NB! If you have an early version of the reader, there may be a compatibility problem. You are advised to make a backup of your original files before overwriting.

The Sequence Editor and Analyst requires a detector and filter definition file in the program data folder (for Win 7/8 all user application in C:\ProgramData\Risoe). Newer versions of the Sequence editor may read the file and store it in the right folder in the Options->Detect and Stimulation Head setup.